The purpose of the College of Science Disease Mechanism and Prevention Fund is to support research
by students and faculty within the College of Science into the mechanism, diagnosis, treatment and
prevention of disease (in humans, animals, or plants). The fund will provide fellowship support for
graduate students working with faculty within the College of Science on disease related research. Each
year the fund will support 1 or 2 graduate student fellowships for research in the summer term. The
fellowship award will provide a stipend of $6000 for the graduate student(s) and the necessary tuition and
fees for the summer term.

Applications are accepted from graduate students enrolled in a Ph.D. program in the College of Science.

The application includes:
1) A 1-page narrative describing the student applicant’s academic career (past, present, and future),
including how this funding will promote the student’s career.
2) A CV or resume of the student applicant, including a transcript of graduate course work.
3) A brief research proposal (3 page maximum) written by the student, with input from the major
professor. The proposal must clearly address how the research addresses the mechanism,
diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease.
4) A letter of support from the major professor that includes a discussion of the balance of the
student/professor contributions to the proposal.

Applications will be judged on the basis of scientific merit of the research proposal, academic merit of the
student, and potential impact. Applications will be evaluated by the College of Science Honors and
Awards Committee. The Dean of the College of Science will make awards based on the committee’s
recommendations and the status of the Disease Mechanism and Prevention Fund.

Proposals are due by Thursday May 8, 2014 at 5:00 pm. Submit application materials in a single PDF
file (labeled STUDENT_NAME_CoS_Disease_App.pdf) to Interim Associate Dean David McIntyre in the
College of Science at David.McIntyre@oregonstate.edu.

A brief report (2 page maximum) on the research undertaken, listing any publications or other scholarly
outcomes from the work, is due within 3 months of conclusion of the fellowship.

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