It is with tremendous enthusiasm that we recognize your early contributions to the field of Environmental Science and Engineering through the ACS ENVR 100th Anniversary Emerging Leader Award. Your accomplishments and dedication to the field in this early stage of your career are to be celebrated and encouraged – and we can’t wait to do just that!

In the spirit of the Centennial of the Division of Environmental Chemistry of ACS, a “Women in Environmental Science and Engineering” Symposium will highlight advances and pioneering efforts made by women in the field. This symposium will feature keynote and invited presentations from top women in our field. We will have an awards ceremony in the afternoon of this session[1] where you will have the opportunity to introduce yourself to the ENVR and ACS Community in the presence of well-established researchers. We are highlighting your work at SciMix and as a “Newsworthy” participant at this event. In addition, we have taken the liberty of including your abstract in this Symposiums poster session (to be held Wednesday Aug 13, optional). Your abstract submitted with your nomination from your advisor will appear in the ACS program book.

This award comes with a $500 travel grant. To receive this stipend, you must be present at both the WIESE Symposium (where the awards will be presented) and SciMix Poster session (to be held on Monday, August 11, 2014). We are sincerely looking forward to recognizing your early achievements in the field, introducing you to some of today’s leaders and legends, and welcoming you into this tremendous community. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Jillian Goldfarb at We look forward to seeing you in San Francisco! Congratulations!


The Women in Environmental Science & Engineering Symposium Committee

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