Dear Oregon State University Department of Chemistry,                                                            

I would like to invite you to the 2nd Annual Puget Sound Women Chemists Retreat. The Puget Sound Women Chemists Retreat is an annual networking and career-building event with the main goal of retention and advancement of women in chemistry careers.  Graduate and post-doctoral women chemists are connected to a close-knit network of colleagues and mentors and are taught strategies of career success.

This year we will be hosting this student-run regional retreat at the University of British Columbia from Friday, May 30th to Sunday, June 1st.  In an effort to include women chemists from across Canada in this unique career building opportunity, the event has been strategically scheduled to run just prior to the Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, which is being held in Vancouver.  We will be building on last year’s successful COACh negotiation workshop with new communication and career launching workshops, and we are excited to have an open discussion about how chemists can create an empowering workplace.

We sincerely hope that you will be able to attend. We invite you to visit our website at to view information about last year’s retreat and to view this year’s itinerary, speakers, and panelists.  If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by email at


Best Regards,



Dr. Robbyn K. Anand-Perdue

Chair of the Women Chemists Committee and Secretary

American Chemical Society Puget Sound Local Section

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