1.  ACS Graduate Education Advisory Board (GEAB) seeks information on IDPs

Does your department or university have an Individual Development Plan in place for graduate students and postdoctoral scholars? If this plan is public knowledge, please find the time to complete a brief online questionnaire to share this information with ACS: http://bit.ly/MfG5do

2.  Nationally connected Chemistry Graduate Student Organizations (CGSO)

ACS has been working with graduate students to build a framework for the creation of a nationally connected body of chemistry graduate student organizations, one that ACS can support. If you are a governing member of a CGSO (or postdoctoral group) at your department, please join the national CGSO group by completing a simple online form: http://bit.ly/1c67mG3

3.  Postdoc to Faculty workshop, www.acs.org/p2f

For postdocs (only) who are planning to apply for chemistry, biochemistry, or chemical engineering faculty positions. The top 4 applications from women postdocs will be awarded the Dan Su Travel Award, valued at $2,000.

Deadline: April 21, 2014

When: August 8 – 9, 2014

Where: San Francisco, CA (just prior to, and in conjunction with the ACS fall national meeting).

4.  Academic Employment Initiative (AEI) poster session, www.acs.org/aei

Any senior graduate student or postdoc who is interested in applying for faculty positions, and who submits a valid abstract by the deadline, is welcome to participate in this event.

Deadline: March 31, 2014

When: 8 – 10 PM Monday, August 11, 2014

Where: San Francisco, CA (SciMix at the fall national meeting)

5.  Host a career workshop for graduate students and postdocs at your department, www.acs.org/gradworkshop

Workshops can be tailored to meet the needs of graduate students and postdoctoral scholars.

When: Any time of the year, given at least one month’s notice.

Where: At your department.


For more information on these and other opportunities for grad students and postdocs, including the ACS Graduate & Postdoctoral Chemist, please contact GradEd@acs.org or visit www.acs.org/grad.

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