Deadline: March 15, 2014

Please send nominations to the Awards Committee for review.

The American Chemical Society’s Division of Organic Chemistry is pleased to sponsor a new award program called the Undergraduate Award in Organic Chemistry, that is intended to recognize senior students who display a significant aptitude for organic chemistry and to encourage further interest in the field.

The award: Consists of a letter of recognition from the ACS Division of Organic Chemistry and an award certificate signed by the division chair. Awardees who are members of the American Chemical Society will also receive membership to the Division of Organic Chemistry; those who are not will receive Affiliate status. Division Affiliates have all of the benefits of membership in the division with the exception of voting and serving on committees. For a full description of the benefits of membership in the division, please go to .

Nominations:  Chemistry departments are invited to select a top graduating senior student majoring in either chemistry or biochemistry who has demonstrated excellence in organic chemistry based on a combination of research experience, coursework and a desire to pursue a career in chemistry. The student should also be enrolled at your institution for the 2013-2014 academic year. To nominate a student, the Department Chair or the Chair of the Department Awards Committee (or similar), should complete the online form available at: by March 15th.* Please note that only one student per U.S. institution can be nominated per academic year. While we plan to send you the official award items by April 30th, once the form is submitted, you are welcome to immediately recognize the student as you deem appropriate.


*The deadline was purposely chosen to be prior to graduation so that information could be sent to the department before the student recipients had left campus.

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