OSU-ChUME is hosting an event titled “Linus Pauling and the Responsibility of the Scientist” on  Wednesday, January 22, 2014 at 6pm in LPSC 402.

Our guest speaker, Linda Richards*, will speak on how Linus Pauling’s work, as a chemist and an activist, affected the global peace and social justice movements.

The goal of this event is to use Linus Pauling’s life as a framework to understand how chemists impact the broader community, and to begin the dialogue on  the responsibility of our generation of scientists (undergraduate and graduate students) to properly engage in service to these communities.

We hope to see you there!


OSU-ChUME Graduate Student Mentors

Chemistry Department,

Oregon State University



Linda Marie Richards is a PhD (ABD) in the History of Science. She is a 2014 Chemical Heritage Foundation Doan Fellow who has been researching nuclear history at Oregon State University since 2007. Richards has been speaking with the public about nuclear issues since 1986, when she walked across country with the Great Peace March for Global Nuclear Disarmament.

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