We are seeking curious and highly motivated students with strong science backgrounds. If selected, these students receive an all-expenses paid opportunity to complete a 6 week summer course in Nuclear and Radiochemistry in either CA or NY. They also earn hours (tuition paid) of undergraduate chemistry credit through either San Jose State University or SUNY-Stony Brook.  Selected students also receive a stipend of $4,000.

An announcement for the Nuclear and Radiochemistry Summer Schools that can be posted is attached to this request. It describes the application procedure and the background we hope applicants will have when applying. This information and an on-line application form can also be found on the web at:


The deadline for applications is February 1, 2014. Please distribute this announcement to your undergraduate students and encourage them to consider this unique opportunity! If you or your students have any questions about the ACS sponsored program, please do not hesitate to contact me using the information below.

Thanks, in advance, for your assistance.

Sincerely yours,


J. David Robertson

National Director, ACS Summer Schools in Nuclear and Radiochemistry

Department of Chemistry University of Missouri Columbia, MO 65211



Nuclear Summer School Flyer2014

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