Hi all—Please read on for information about the 2nd Annual SEMI Pacific Northwest Professsional Development Seminar and pass this along to fellow students who may be interested. Attendance is free, but you do have to register (http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/LF9QD38). This link will also be accessible at the MBI website.

SEMI Professional Development Seminar

Jobs in the Micro and Nano Electronics Industry: Connecting College Students to Industry

8am to 3pm

Friday, October 25, 2012

Microproducts Breakthrough Institute, Corvallis HP Campus

This event is sponsored by SEMI Pacific Northwest, the participating high-tech companies, ONAMI, Oregon State University and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.

Who should attend?

College students and recent graduates interested in career opportunities in the semiconductor and related high technology industries.


To excite students about career opportunities in high tech and to provide valuable, practical information that will help them choose career directions and plan for success.


8:00am          Check-in & Breakfast, HP Building 10, St. Helens Room

8:30am          Welcome Remarks

8:35am          Overview of SEMI

8:40am          Panel Discussion and Q&A: Jobs in the Micro and Nano Electronics and High Tech Semiconductor Industry

10:00am       Break

10:20am       Strategies: How to Land a Job in High Tech

11:00am       The Interview: Prep • Dynamics • Dos & Don’ts • Good vs Bad Mock Interviews

12:00pm       Migration to HP Building 11 & Lunch

1:00pm         Breakout Sessions (Pick two):

1.       Life in the Real World: Academia to Industry

2.       The Business Side: Using Your Technical Skills for a Career in Sales, Marketing, Finance or Operations

3.       A Day in the Life of a High-Tech Engineer

4.       Jump-Start Your Career

2:00pm         Networking & Optional Tours of the MBI

3:00pm         Adjourn


Attendance is free of charge, but registration is required. The registration website is: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/LF9QD38. Early registration is appreciated so that we can gauge interest and attendance. Please register no later than Friday, October 11. And please tell your friends!

Check the Announcements Listings at mbi-online.org for updates.

Sponsors and Organizers

Organizers are the SEMI Pacific Northwest  Steering committee and the Education and Workforce Development sub-committee. Members are community-oriented with a key objective of helping college students to meet the demands of today’s high tech work force and succeed in their careers. Industry volunteers will share what the high tech industry looks for when they recruit for new graduates. This group is eager to meet students and to prepare students for the 21st century workforce.

Special thanks to FEI Company for all event food and refreshments and to ONAMI for underwriting of conference facilities.


Instructors are volunteers from Applied Materials, Cascade Microtech, ESI, FEI Company, Intel Corporation, Lam Research, LatticeGear, Oregon State University, and Valqua America. They hold positions in Human Resources, Recruiting, Engineering, Marketing, Finance and Management.

For accommodations for persons with disabilities, please contact Danielle Clair at 541-713-1348.

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