The chemistry program at Southern Oregon University will need a one-year sabbatical replacement for our biochemist next year (2014-2015) and, although I have not been given formal approval to start the search, I would like to bring this opportunity to the attention of your graduate students who might be interested in a teaching post-doctoral experience.

The undergraduate biochemistry/chemistry program at Southern Oregon University is ACS-certified and was recently ranked in the first quintile in the SOU internal prioritization process. Our program has six faculty members who all work closely together to provide a strong background in chemistry to our students. The Department is well equipped with instrumentation, which can be viewed on our website (

The candidate would be expected to teach the year long biochemistry sequence (Ch 451, 2, 3) and two quarters of biochemistry lab (winter and spring term – Ch 454, 5). Additional teaching requirements include organic labs and/or general chemistry labs. The full-time teaching load (at the Assistant Professor level) is typically one lecture and three laboratory sections per term. Finally, s/he would be assisting between one and three students with a year long capstone research experience.

For more information about the courses, contact Dr. Greg Miller ( For information about the position contact me, Dr. Laura Hughes (

Thank you for your consideration,


Laura A. Hughes, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Chemistry
Chair, CPME

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