The Director of the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) will hold a Webinar to discuss the application process for a Graduate Fellowship on 31 July at 10AM PDT, 1PM EST. (-7 GMT)

We won’t be able to post a webinar link for individual login, but we’ve reserved rooms at the Universities who’ve shown interest.

Meeting rooms are:
OSU:  Gilbert 224
UO:    Space is limited, contact

Washington University, St. Louis:  McMillen Lab 311

Some useful information on the Fellowship:

GRF is restricted to US Citizens, US nationals and permanent residents, only.

The GRF is restricted to students studying in fields supported by NSF.
So medicine, veterinary science, clinical psychology,  etc., are not supported. Chemistry and molecular biology directed toward disease/medical research are in a gray area – students who wish to be in this area should seek one-on-one guidance from a faculty member on your campus who is knowledgeable about GRF.

There *may* be time during the webinar to address this question in a broad way, but they can’t give a personalized answer to each student participating.

There is useful information about GRFP available at

–  The general information about eligibility, application process, etc., are very helpful. Note that this information is a bit out-of-date.  The new program solicitation will be posted sometime in August (for a deadline sometime in November). But the best model we have is the solicitation from last year.


The “tips”  and FAQs

(again, the tips and FAQs haven’t been updated for this year, so the dates in the eligibility section are off. You’ll need to check the site again).

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