If you are interested in nominating a candidate, please coordinate with the Foundation Services office. Contact: Aaron Shonk, Director at aaron.shonk@oregonstate.edu.

Burroughs Wellcome Fund (BWF)

  • Career Awards for Medical Scientists (CAMS)

Five-year $700,000 awards for physician-scientists to bridge advanced postdoctoral/fellowship training and the early years of faculty service. Proposals must be in the area of basic biomedical, disease-oriented, or translational research. Limit Summary: institutes may nominate up to five candidates. Deadline: October 1, 2013.

CAMS program information: http://www.bwfund.org/grant-programs/biomedical-sciences/career-awards-medical-scientists

  • Investigators in the Pathogenesis of Infectious Disease (IPID)

Five-year awards provide $500,000 to support accomplished investigators at the assistant professor level to study pathogenesis, with a focus on the interplay between human and microbial biology, shedding light on how human and microbial systems are affected by their encounters. The awards are intended to give recipients the freedom and flexibility to pursue new avenues of inquiry and higher-risk research projects that hold potential for significantly advancing the biochemical, pharmacological, immunological, and molecular biological understanding of how microbes and the human body interact. Limit Summary: institutes may nominate up to two candidates. To encourage applications from veterinarians, institutions that nominate a researcher who holds the D.V.M. will be allowed three nominations. Deadline: November 1, 2013

IPID program information: http://www.bwfund.org/grant-programs/infectious-diseases/investigators-pathogenesis-infectious-disease


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