Dear Colleagues:
> We invite you to participate in this year’s Oregon Academy of Science
> (OAS) meeting at Willamette University on Saturday, March 2, 2013.
> Researchers may present their work as a talk or a poster.  The talks
> are scheduled for about 20 minutes (~15 minutes followed by 5 minutes
> for questions).  Posters (~4 feet x 4 feet) will be displayed in
> common areas and participants will have an opportunity to view them
> during the session breaks and lunch.  The OAS meeting is a great
> opportunity for scientists, faculty and students at all levels to
> present work in progress and to practice for future presentations.  If
> you have any questions about the suitability of a potential
> presentation please feel free to discuss it with me.
> If you are planning to present at this year’s meeting please email an
> abstract submission form and a properly formatted abstract to me at
>  Guidelines for preparing your abstract are
> attached.  Please review your students submissions to ensure they
> followed the directions closely.  The deadline for receiving abstracts
> is February 8, 2013.  Please note that at least one of the authors of
> the presentation must be a member of OAS.
> The Registration form, meeting and membership dues should be mailed to
> the OAS Treasurer, Elizabeth J.O. Atkinson, OAS Treasurer and
> postmarked by February 8, 2013.  The registration and abstract
> submission forms can also be found on the OAS web page::
> This year the ACS Portland Local Section is sponsoring an additional
> session at the OAS meeting. We are promoting the submission of many
> more chemistry oral and poster presentations.  There will also be a
> session after lunch featuring a keynote talk on solar energy by Carl
> Wamser of PSU and a career forum with representatives from Portland
> area private and public sector employers. We are also inviting
> graduate programs  to send a representative for purposes of promoting
> their MS and PhD programs during the meeting. We have not decided on
> the format for graduate program promotion yet, but it might be
> recruiting tables in the poster session area and/or at the afternoon
> session. Of course we also encourage your undergraduate and graduate
> students to contribute papers. Warren Ford is organizing the afternoon
> session.
> Best Regards,
> Ted Picciotto
> OAS Section Co-chair
> Chemistry Instructor
> Portland Community College
> 12000 49th Ave,
> Portland, OR 97219
> (971)722-8290


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