OSU Chemistry Ethics requirement policy:  (11/06/12)  


OSU now requires that departments assess ethical research training as part of all graduate student programs.


The Chemistry department faculty has instituted the following policy:

As part of their graduate student training, all graduate students in Chemistry will complete either the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) course in the Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) or an RCR course provided by OSU.


The CITI RCR course (www.citiprogram.org) contains several learning modules that are taken individually, and can be completed online at no cost. You should register for the site (indicating your affiliation with OSU), and complete all the required, and 3 of the elective modules.

After completing the RCR course, use the main menu link to download or print a course completion report, and send this report to the department main office (Talley Richardson). You do not need to register for CE credits (which is not free) to meet these departmental or OSU requirements.

For students who have not yet scheduled their program meetings, the course completion report must be received prior to this meeting. For students who have already scheduled or completed their program meeting, this ethics requirement must be completed by October 15, 2013.

If your research involves human or animal subjects, you may be required to complete additional training modules on the CITI site. You can discuss this requirement with your major advisor.


If you have questions on this requirement, or about the CITI RCR course, please contact the department graduate academic advisor (Mike Lerner) or administrator (Talley Richardson).

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