We are seeking candidates for LEAD21 Class IX.  As shown on the LEAD21 website (http://www.lead-21.org/program.html), “The primary purpose of LEAD21 is to develop leaders in land grant institutions and their strategic partners who link research, academics, and extension in order to lead more effectively in an increasingly complex environment, either in their current position or as they aspire to other positions.”

Please nominate faculty who you feel may have leadership aptitude and aspiration.  Faculty may also self-nominate.  To be considered, potential candidates should submit a short statement (1-2 paragraphs) of interest and perceived benefit by November 16.

Call for Applications LEAD21 Class IX


Cary J. Green, Ph.D.
Associate Dean

Academic and International Programs
College of Agricultural Sciences
Oregon State University
137 Strand Agriculture Hall
Corvallis, Oregon 97331-2202
541-737-5746 (Office)

541-602-2687 (Cell)
541-737-2256 (Fax)

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