Ever wondered how the funds flow at OSU?  Wonder about how base budgets are determined and how other sources – such as INTO, Ecampus, and summer session – supplement this base budget?  Wanted for years to know where those top secret stashes are kept?  Curious about how the various funding sources differ from one another?  Here’s your opportunity to get some clarity on these matters.

Recently our colleague Sherm Bloomer, Director of Budget and Fiscal Planning, has given talks on the budget at an administrative meeting and a university-wide leadership seminar that proved to be both popular and highly informative.  More recently he’s agreed to give talks of this sort for CLA and for Science faculty and staff.

All College of Science Faculty and Staff are welcome to join us for “University Budgeting 101” on  Thursday Nov. 8, NOON to 1pm, 1109 Cordley Hall.  Please feel free to bring your brown-bag lunch with you, along with your questions – we’ll save 10-15 minutes at the end of the talk for these.

Thanks, hope to see many of you there.



“University Budgeting 101”

Sherm Bloomer

Thursday Nov. 8, noon to 1pm

1109 Cordley Hall


Vince Remcho

Interim Dean

Professor of Chemistry
College of Science

Oregon State University

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