OSU Graduate Legislative Internship Opportunity

The Oregon Legislature’s Committee Services Office seeks 2 qualified graduate students to serve as committee interns during the 2011 legislative session.  The intern positions are part of the non-partisan, professional staff of the Legislature, serving both chambers and both political parties. The internships offer a unique opportunity for students to learn about state government, current state policy issues and the legislative process.

Committee interns conduct research; analyze and write summaries of legislative measures; attend committee meetings; and communicate with legislators, state agency legislative liaisons, lobbyists, and members of the general public. Interns are supervised by a Committee Administrator.

  • One intern will work with committees addressing natural resource issues, including agriculture, forestry, energy, environment, sustainability, and water policy. A background in natural resource policy is preferred for this position.
  • The other intern will work with committees addressing various state policy topics, including transportation, business, labor, health care, and education.

The Graduate School will pre-screen OSU Legislative Graduate Intern applicants and will advance to the Legislative Committee Administrator up to 3 applicants for each of the two internship positions.  The Legislative Committee Administrators will make final selections.

The Graduate School will provide those selected to serve as OSU Legislative Graduate interns a $2,500 stipend plus full tuition remission for each quarter of internship service fulfilled during winter and spring 2013. Programs may supplement this stipend if they so choose. Recipients must remain enrolled for a minimum of 12 credits each quarter (e.g., internship or thesis credits preferred).

A two-week training session will begin January 18, 2010.  The internships will require students to work at least 36 hours per week at the State Capitol in Salem.  The internships will take place for 22 weeks concurrent with the legislative session.  The attached position description provides complete details.

Nomination Procedures

OSU graduate programs may nominate in rank order up to 3 students for consideration by the Graduate School.  Each nomination is to be formatted as one PDF file and must include the following materials:

  • The student’s cover letter outlining his/her interest in the internship opportunity, including a brief description of the education and experience that has prepared him/her for this work;
  • The student’s resume or c.v.; and
  • A letter of recommendation from the student’s major professor or other faculty member who is familiar with the student’s potential for success in the internship position.

Nominations are to be sent electronically to Brenda.mccomb@oregonstate.edu  and must be received in the Graduate School by close of business on Monday, November 19, 2010.

The Graduate School will review the nominations and will forward up to three of the nominations to the Committee Services Office for consideration.  To facilitate final selection, nominees advanced to the Legislative Committee Administrator for consideration will be required to participate in an in-person interview the week of December 3rd, 2012.

Please share this opportunity with interested graduate students in your programs.  If you have questions regarding the process or the positions, please contact Brenda McComb in the Graduate School.



Brenda McComb, Dean

The Graduate School

Rm 300 Kerr Admin Bldg

Oregon State University

Corvallis, Oregon, 97331 USA


Phone: 541-737-4881, Fax: 541-737-3313

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