As faculty who have agreed to have the libraries deposit articles to the ScholarsArchive@OSU institutional repository on their behalf, we thought you might be interested in attending a lecture sponsored by the OSU Libraries & Press, Teaching Across the Curriculum, Information Sciences and ECampus.

OSU Libraries & Press celebrates International Open Access week and invites you to participate in an exciting lecture by Dr. Cable Green on the topic of “Expanding the open agenda: From open access to an open education” on Friday, October 26th, from 1:30pm-3pm in the library Main Rotunda. 

Dr. Cable Green is the Director of Global Learning for Creative Commons and an expert in Open Educational Resources and Open Policy. He holds a BS in International Affairs from Lewis and Clark College, MPC from Westminster College, and an MA in communication and PhD in educational psychology from Ohio State University. As the Director of Global Learning at Creative Commons, Cable is responsible for setting strategic direction and priorities to build a global movement that will enable robust and vibrant practices and policies for free sharing of education and learning assets. He is a strong advocate for open policies that ensure publicly funded education materials are freely and openly available to the public that paid for them.

As part of this program OSU Libraries & Press will also announce our 2012 Open Access Hall of Fame inductees.

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