
Please forward the following funding opportunity announcement to faculty that may be interested.

NSF – Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (S-STEM)

This program makes grants to institutions of higher education to support scholarships for academically talented students demonstrating financial need, enabling them to enter the STEM workforce or STEM graduate school following completion of an associate, baccalaureate, or graduate-level degree in science, technology, engineering or mathematics disciplines. Grantee institutions are responsible for selecting scholarship recipients, reporting demographic information about student scholars, and managing the S-STEM project at the institution.

Each college needs to screen the pre-proposals within their unit. The Dean will determine the proposal to be sent on to the Office of Sponsored Programs and to represent Oregon State University for submission to NSF.

NSF – Limit on Number of Proposals per Organization:

  1. An institution may submit one proposal from each constituent college or school that awards eligible degrees. (For example, a university with a College of Engineering, a School of Life Sciences, and a College of Arts and Sciences could submit one proposal from each for a total of three. However, within a College of Engineering, if the Department of Electrical Engineering were submitting a proposal, a proposal from the Department of Mechanical Engineering could be submitted only in a subsequent year. The two departments could also submit a proposal jointly.)
  2. An institution without constituent schools (for example, a 4-year college or a community college) may submit one proposal each year.
  3. An institution that is part of a larger system is considered separate for this purpose if it is geographically separate and has its own chief academic officer.


Complete NSF – S-STEM guidelines may be viewed at:

NSF Full Proposal Deadline:  August 14, 2012

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.


Thank you,



Debbie Delmore
Coordinator of Special Programs
Research Office
Oregon State University

MAILING ADDRESS: A312 Kerr Administration Building
Corvallis, OR  97331-2140
Fax: 541-737-9041


To the OSU Community:


I am pleased to inform you that I have appointed Dr. Sandra Woods as Dean of the College of Engineering effective July 30, 2012.


Dr. Woods has been Dean of Engineering at Colorado State University for the past several years, and prior to serving as Dean, she served as Head of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. She held various other roles at CSU, including Interim Vice Provost for Special Projects, while she led their Office of International Programs, Division of Distance and Continuing Education, and Graduate School.


Prior to her roles at CSU, Dr. Woods was a faculty member and served in a variety of administrative roles here at Oregon State University. She obtained a B.S. in civil engineering from Michigan State University and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in civil engineering from the University of Washington.

In addition to leading the College of Engineering, Dr. Woods will work in collaboration with the Dean of Business to promote economic growth and social progress as part of the Division of Business and Engineering.

Please join me in congratulating Dr. Woods on her new role, and acknowledging Dr. Scott Ashford for his outstanding service to the College and University as Interim Dean of Engineering.

I have attached our press release regarding Dr. Woods’ appointment.


Sabah Randhawa

Provost and Executive Vice President

7-5-12 Sandra Woods

To the OSU Community:

I am pleased to inform you that I have appointed Dr. Danny Damron as the International Degree and Education Abroad Program Director, effective August 15, 2012.

Dr. Damron comes to Oregon State University with several years of internationalization experience. His administrative leadership experience includes director of Utah Valley University’s (UVU) International Center and founding director of Brigham Young University’s (BYU) European Governance Internships program. Both positions have provided valuable experience in crafting a vision congruent with university academic mission, identifying strategic opportunities, developing programs, obtaining funding, building consensus, and initiating new relationships.

Dr. Damron received his Ph.D. in Comparative Politics at Purdue University, an M.A.T. in English as a second language at the School for International Training, and a B.A. in Political Science at BYU.

Dr. Damron’s teaching competencies are in comparative politics, international relations, democratization, social movements, East Asian politics, research methods and political philosophy.  He has several years teaching introductory comparative politics; Korea, Taiwan, and Southeast Asian politics; democracy and democratization; theories of comparative politics and a senior capstone seminar on democratic transitions and business Korean.

Please join me in congratulating Dr. Damron and acknowledging Dr. Charlotte Moats-Gallagher for serving as interim director. Charlotte will continue as International Initiatives Associate with the Division of International Programs.

To learn more about International Degree and Education Abroad programs, please visit


Sunil Khanna

Associate Provost of International Programs




Sunil Khanna

Associate Provost for International Programs

Oregon State University

172 International Living-Learning Center

Corvallis, OR 97331



I wanted to send out another brief that faculty should no longer be submitting paper-based proposals or using the OSU Proposal Transmittal Form.

All proposals should be submitted using Cayuse SP.  For the month of July, proposals can be routed either through Cayuse424 or through Cayuse SP.

There will be another Cayuse training session offered on July 12, from 9am-10:30am in MU 211.  Faculty and staff can send an e-mail to to reserve a seat in this session.

Thank you for sharing this information with faculty and staff in your areas.  Please contact Pat Hawk, Director of Sponsored Programs (541-737-6699 or ), if you have any questions.

Patricia A. Hawk
Office of Sponsored Programs
Oregon State University
308 Kerr Administration Building
Corvallis, OR  97331-2140
541-737-6699 (voice)
541-737-3093 (fax)