CGS/Proquest Distinguished Dissertation Award – Mathematics, Physical Sciences and Engineering

Deadline for Nominations – Friday, July 20, 2012 – 5PM

We invite your program’s participation in OSU’s internal competition for the selection of our institutional nominee for the 2011-12 CGS/Proquest Distinguished Dissertation Award in the fields of Mathematics, Physical Sciences and Engineering. This prestigious national competition is an important opportunity for OSU to showcase graduate student scholarship and creativity to institutions throughout the country and to celebrate our success. We urge you to take this opportunity to prepare a nomination.

OSU AWARDS AND RECOGNITION: The Graduate School will provide a cash award of $1,000 to the student selected as OSU’s nominee for the CGS/Proquest Distinguished Dissertation Award . The Graduate School also will award $1,000 to the graduate department/program that submits the dissertation selected as OSU’s nominee for the award. If selected for the national award, the Graduate School will provide travel support of up to $700 for the student’s major professor to attend the December annual meeting of the Council of Graduate Schools in Washington, DC.

OSU Procedures:

Each eligible graduate department/program may submit one nomination for consideration for this award.  The effective date of degree award, or the completion of doctoral degree requirements and dissertation, must lie in the period of July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2012, inclusive, for the nominee.  Complete details concerning the award and required materials can be found on the CGS website at this link:

Departments/programs must submit the abstract, the nomination form (filled out and printed, but do not submit electronically to CGS), and the letters of reference in one PDF to the Graduate School – subject line should read [Program Name] – CGS/Math-Phys-Eng.

To facilitate the internal review process, the PDF of nomination materials must be submitted to the Graduate School by 5:00 PM on Friday, July 20, 2012.


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