There has been an unusually high number of bikes being stolen off of the bike racks right outside WNGR in the last couple of weeks.  Last week alone, off one rack on the Gilbert side of WNGR, 3 bikes worth well over $1000 each were stolen.  Can you please share with the department and the other departments that may be in the building to be on the lookout for fishy behavior around the bike racks.  I understand that many employees and professors ride their bikes to work.  I feel they should be informed of the heightened threat of theft around WNGR.  Also if people are aware they may notice unusual behavior that would normally be overlooked, like someone who revisits a bike rack often but doesn’t lock up their bike or even have a bike.  Or someone who just looks out of place, or takes too long to “unlock” their bike, and etc.  I would appreciate it if you could get the word out for me.  My bike was one of the ones that was stolen last week, and I don’t wish for anyone else to go through an experience like that.



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