Dear CAS Unit Leaders,

Scott Heppell and I have an opportunity to network and share information about our College with faculty and program leaders in Eastern Europe this month, and are looking for materials to distribute. We will make presentations to agricultural and biological science programs at the University of Zagreb, Croatia. As “ambassadors” for CAS, we would like to share pictures, flyers and contact information from our diverse range of programs. We anticipate meeting with 20-30 people (faculty, research staff, and unit leaders).


University of Zagreb Agriculture:


University of Zagreb Biology:


If you have materials or a few pictures (ppt slides) to share, we would love to provide specific information about your unit at our presentation. We are leaving on June 20. I would be happy to pick up flyers, cards, or other materials.



Selina Heppell




Dr. Selina S. Heppell

Associate Professor

Distance Education Program Coordinator

Department of Fisheries and Wildlife

Oregon State University

104 Nash Hall, Corvallis, OR 97331

Office phone: 541-737-9039


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