

As the academic year draws to a close, we would like to take a moment to thank you for hosting a visiting scholar and/or an international employee at OSU. If you are hosting a scholar who will be leaving the country, please remind them to fill out the Departure Form and return it to ISFS.


We would also like to share a newly created web resource for OSU employees who are citizens of the US and traveling abroad to conduct research or work related to employment. While ISFS cannot provide individualized advice on travel and visa issues, we think you will find this resource to be helpful when making international travel plans.


As always, please feel free to email us with any questions you have.


Wishing you all the best,


The ISFS Team, Cindy, Jackie and Charlotte


Cindy Nair

Immigration Programs Specialist

International Scholar & Faculty Services

Oregon State University

Heckart Lodge – 2900 SW Jefferson Way, Corvallis Oregon 97331

Phone: 541-737-6461  Fax: 541-737-6482



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