As you may have already heard, Matt Wenger has accepted a new position with another business center on campus.  His last day with ASBC was today, June 8.  He has been training his replacement, Jessica Dickason, so we feel he has left the Chemistry grant enterprise in good hands.


Please note the new structure for Chemistry Support:

Jessica Dickason (7-9851, will handle all grant-related invoices, travel and personal reimbursements from grant funds and any purchases of $5,000 or over on grant funds.

Andy Kuback (7-8290, will continue to provide grant-funded transaction approval, grant reports, and labor redistributions on grant indexes, and airfare authorization for outgoing department travel.

Monica Deignan (7-3958, will handle invoice processing on E&G or Foundation funds; travel and personal reimbursements from E&G or Foundation funds (including 201s); Visa redistributions for Chem Stores and the Chemistry Department; any purchases of $5,000 or over on E&G, Foundation, or Startup funds; and Foundation reimbursements.

Dick Toliver (7-1832, will continue to provide E&G-funded transaction approval, E&G reports (including 201s), labor distributions on non-grant indexes, and airfare authorization for incoming department travel.

If you are in doubt on who to talk with about a particular matter, please contact me or Penny.  As always, please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions or concerns.


Best regards,



Cindy Alexis | Finance & Accounting Manager
Arts & Sciences Business Center | Oregon State University

2042 Cordley Hall, Corvallis, OR  97331-2911

Phone: 541.737.0903 | Fax:  541.737.2090 |


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