Congratulations on your pending graduation this June!  Please note the following events for commencement and we hope that you will be able to participate:


Commencement is Sunday -June 17, 2012. You can reserve your place in the commencement ceremony online. The deadline to RSVP for commencement is May 18, 2012. Contact the Registrar’s office at 541-737-4331 or in 102 Kerr Administration Building if your plans change and you are unable to attend the ceremony.  To participate in commencement, you must file an application for graduation with the Registrar’s office. You must also be a graduate of the Summer, 2011, Fall, 2011, Winter, 2012 or anticipated graduate, Spring, 2012, Summer, 2012 term or Fall, 2012. See the General Information web site for more information:

The ceremony will begin at 3:30 am in Reser Stadium and will end at approximately 7:30.  Line up for the processional begins in the MU Quad at 1:30 on Sunday. (note this is a change from last year).

Reception: The Chemistry department will host a complimentary light lunch for chemistry graduates & guests from noon-2:00 pm on Saturday June 16th in the lobby of Gilbert Addition. Following this there will be an informal ceremony to honor our graduates with a certificate and a class picture – please wear your cap and gown. Please email Dr. Pastorek with the number of guests that you intend to bring to the reception.

PHOTO Please arrange to get your picture taken for the graduate picture board that is displayed in the hallway of Gilbert Hall. Complements of the Chemistry department, please make an appointment to get your photo taken at The Ball Studio located at 6th and Adams in Corvallis (541-753-5721; Please don’t leave town without getting your picture taken for the chemistry board!

Graduating Senior Pizza feed and Exit Interviews 6 pm June 7th in GILB 324. Prof & Chair of Chemistry Rich Carter will be hosting a pizza get together and is very interested in feedback that you can offer on the chemistry program at OSU –Admission” to the pizza party will require that they complete the short exit survey your ticket is your exit interview form (attached to this email).

Congratulations on all your accomplishments and much success in your future endeavors!


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