May 3, 2012

TO:                 OSU Faculty and Staff

FROM:           Sabah Randhawa

Provost and Executive Vice President

RE:                  Procedures for Clearing Spring Degree Candidates

As you know, graduating seniors enrolled in courses with final examinations are required to take such examinations during the regularly scheduled Final Examination Week of Spring Term.  Since personal diplomas will be awarded to graduates at Commencement on Sunday, June 17, 2012 Oregon State University will again adhere to the following procedures for clearing Spring Term degree candidates.

I am writing to ask all faculty and staff to once again cooperate fully with the procedures used so efficiently in the last nineteen years.  The key features are outlined below.  Please remember that a preliminary grade of “I” will probably prevent the awarding of a diploma at Commencement.

If you have specific questions about procedures, please contact Kent Kuo in the Office of the Registrar.


Procedures for Clearing Spring Degree Candidates for Commencement 2012

1. Monday, May 7, 2012– “Preliminary” web grade rosters will be available to instructors.

2. Monday, May 14, 2012– Preliminary grades are due at Registrar’s Office by noon. Grades will reflect anticipated final grade.

3. Wednesday, May 16, 2012– The Registrar’s Office staff will provide the Graduate Dean’s Office with preliminary grades for each candidate for Masters and Doctor’s degree and begin the customary final Bachelor’s degree checking procedures to include the following:

a. Notify students who are clearly ineligible and those who are in doubt on the basis of:

  • Institutional graduation requirements
  • College/school and departmental graduation requirements (according to advice from Head Advisers)

b. Advise students who may be petitioning for exceptions to institutional, college, or departmental requirements.

4.  Finals Week – Monday, June 11 to Friday June 15, 2012.  Faculty will notify the Registrar’s Office, as soon as possible, after each final examination if a degree candidate will receive a final grade of D, F, N, or I/GRADE.  Unless otherwise notified, final decisions on receipt of diploma will be based on the preliminary grades reported on May 14.

If the final grade significantly differs from the preliminary grade given, please e-email the information to on or before Wednesday, June 13, 2012.

5. Sunday, June 17, 2012 –Commencement

  1. Baccalaureate degree candidates in doubt may participate in Commencement, but will receive a diploma case with a letter (not a diploma) pointing out that final grades will be required to confirm their status.
  2. Degree candidates found to be clearly ineligible for a degree by the preliminary grades may not participate in Commencement, unless they have applied to graduate in either the Summer 2012 or Fall 2012 terms. Any undergraduate degree seeking student who has filed to graduate in either the Summer 2012 or Fall 2012 terms are eligible to participate in the Spring 2012 Commencement ceremonies.






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