Date:            May 3, 2012

To:               OSU Faculty and Staff

From:          Vickie Nunnemaker

Special Assistant to the Faculty Senate President

Subject:       University/Faculty Senate Committee Participation

Committee Interest Form Due No Later Than May 17, 2012

Faculty and staff input on institutional policies and procedures is essential to the overall governance of the University. For this reason, standing committees of faculty and staff are formed annually to address topics and issues of interest. Committee participation is a beneficial staff development opportunity that increases department and unit visibility, and supports the development of our university. In addition, promotion and tenure expectations require faculty to perform appropriate service that contributes to the effectiveness of their departments, colleges and the University, and of their professions. Participation also offers an opportunity to become acquainted with others throughout the OSU community.

On behalf of the university, I invite you to volunteer for committee service by completing the online form at This information will be provided to the various offices involved in making committee selections. Although we cannot guarantee membership on the committee of your choice, we will do everything possible to use your talents. Please complete the form only and do not send additional materials such as vitae, etc.

If you wish to resign from current committee membership, please either contact your committee chair or e-mail and include your name, the name of the committee from which you wish to resign and your date of resignation.

Thank you for your willingness to participate in shared governance.

Vickie Nunnemaker
Special Assistant to the Faculty Senate President
Oregon State University – Faculty Senate Office
107 Gilkey Hall – Corvallis OR 97331-6203
541-737-4344 (ofc); 541-737-4489 (fax)



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