Hello Everyone,

Attached is my weekly update of funding opportunities that have been released this month.  Please forward along to those who may be interested and have them contact me if they have any questions.  Remind staff to contact me if they are interested in organizing brainstorming sessions over given opportunities.

Also as a reminder, a list of the upcoming Cayuse training sessions are below.  With exception of the Professional Development Days, all sessions will be held in RH 203 which is supplied with computers to make it an interactive training session.  Please share the information with your faculty and have them contact me if they are interested (as space is limited).

I do have several training sessions scheduled and will continue to offer more up through the calendar year –

  • Tuesday, April 10th from 1:30 – 3 PM
  • Wednesday, April 25th from 10:00 – 11:30 AM
  • Either Tuesday, May 1st or Wednesday May 2nd during the 2012 O&E Professional Development Days (specifics TBD)
  • Monday, May 14th from 2:00 – 3:30 PM

The research office has also been offering training sessions which have been posted in OSU Today.


Thank you,



Liz Etherington

Sponsored Research Program Administration

College of Agricultural Sciences

Oregon State University

138 Strand Agriculture Hall

Office: 541-737-3429

Cell: 541-740-0002



Borlaug Budget Template

USDA Request for Expressions of Interest-BULGARIA


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