Michelle Kutzler, Chair of the Faculty Senate Promotion and Tenure Committee, and I would like to make you aware of a forum that we are holding to give participants an overview of the promotion and tenure (P&T) process and guidelines.  The forum will focus on faculty members who are going up for promotion and/or tenure in the near future.  A second forum will be scheduled this Fall for department heads and chairs, as well as chairs of department and/or college level P&T committees (details will be shared at a later date).  All faculty and staff are welcome to attend either of the sessions if interested.


P&T Open Forum for Faculty

May 10th, 2012

9:30 – 11:00 am

MU 213 – Pan-Afrikan Sankofa


Please RSVP to sara.eklund@oregonstate.edu no later than May 1st if you will attend.

For your reference, the P&T guidelines can be found at http://oregonstate.edu/admin/aa/faculty-handbook-promotion-and-tenure-guidelines.




Rebecca Warner

Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs

628 Kerr Administration

Oregon State University

541.737.0732 phone

541.737.3033 fax


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