CORVALLIS — An Oregon State University scientist who has monitored air in China and measured pollution from California to the Arctic will address air quality in the West at the Monday, April 9, Corvallis Science Pub.

The program begins at 6 p.m. at the Old World Deli, 341 Second St. in Corvallis. It is free and open to the public.

Staci Simonich, an environmental chemist and professor in the OSU College of Agricultural Sciences, has been tracking sources of contamination in high-elevation parks, including Sequoia in the Sierras, Washington’s Olympic and Denali in Alaska.

She will discuss her research on regional and international sources of pollution in the western United States. Using facilities in Oregon and other western states to track air movement, she and her colleagues have correlated the results of air and soil sampling in parks with events such as forest fires and pesticide use. She will discuss the factors that influence pollutant transport to and distribution in soils, plants and animals.
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