A student assistance fund in memory of Grace Wu, former Assistant Director of Personnel Services, was established in 1983.

As a member of the awards committee for the fund, I am asking for your assistance in identifying students eligible to receive the award.  Academic criteria or financial need will not be a consideration in the selection of a recipient.  Rather, the recipient must have made outstanding contributions to the campus and community, as well as having shown unbiased leadership.

The amount of the award is $500 and the selection criteria are as follows:

  • Recipient must be a full-time student in good academic standing attending Oregon State University.
  • Recipient must have sophomore, junior or senior class standing as of spring term 2008.
  • Recipient must demonstrate unbiased leadership.
  • Recipient must make outstanding contributions to campus and community life.

Please forward the attached nomination form to staff members in your department who may be aware of students eligible to receive the award.   Staff and faculty may not nominate family members.   The deadline for nominations is April 23, 2015.   The nomination forms should be directed to Patti Brady-Glassman, Financial Aid and Scholarship by 5:00 p.m.

The Recipient and their nominator will be invited to the Student Recognition and Awards Banquet being held on May 21, 2012.

Thank you for your assistance.

Patti Brady-Glassman


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