NSF – Scalable Nanomanufacturing (SNM) 2012 program

The Incentive Funds Program in the Research Office is requesting Letters of Intent for the National Science Foundation – Scalable Nanomanufacturing (SNM) program.

Limit Summary: An academic institution may submit no more than one proposal on which it is the lead organization in response to this solicitation.

NSF announces a second year of a program on collaborative research and education in the area of scalable nanomanufacturing, including the long-term societal implications of the large-scale implementation of nanomanufacturing innovations. This program is in response to and is a component of the National Nanotechnology Initiative Signature Initiative: Sustainable Nanomanufacturing – Creating the Industries of the Future. Although many nanofabrication techniques have demonstrated the ability to produce relatively small quantities of nanomaterials and devices, the emphasis of this program is research that supports the identification and demonstration of nanomanufacturing processes with high potential to scale to economically and industrially relevant production levels.

Guidance for letters of intent to the Research Office: http://oregonstate.edu/research/incentive/scalable-nanomanufacturing-snm-2010

Complete NSF – SNM guidelines: http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2012/nsf12544/nsf12544.htm

Letter of Intent submission deadline to the Research Office is Monday, April 23, 2012 and should be sent electronically as a PDF document to debbie.delmore@oregonstate.edu. For more information contact Debbie Delmore at (541) 737-8390.


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