
  • Publicly acknowledge the accomplishments of outstanding College of Agricultural Sciences alumni.

Nature of award

  • Nominating unit will serve as host when the recipient visits campus to receive the award. Arrangements for the visit should include interaction with students and faculty, which might include seminars and discussions.
  • Awardees will receive a plaque or other award suitable for display.
  • Awards are intended for recipients of undergraduate or graduate degrees from current or former programs within the College of Agricultural Sciences or our joint programs.
  • Awards will be publicized through press releases and will be posted on the College website.
  • At the committee’s recommendation, more than a single award may be made in each category.
  • Current faculty or staff is not eligible for nomination.


Award categories

  1. 1. Legacy

The Legacy Award is a career lifetime achievement award. It is given to an individual who has made a lasting and meritorious contribution to their chosen field, OSU, or society at large throughout their career.

  1. 2. Leader

Leader award is given to an individual who has distinguished herself or himself through professional practice and service to OSU, her or his profession, or society at large. Nominees should have at least 20 years of professional experience.

  1. 3. Luminary

Luminary award is given to an individual who has made early career and community contributions that clearly identify her or him as a future leader. The nominee should have at least 10 years of professional experience.

Nomination and eligibility

  • Nominations are accepted only from College of Agricultural Sciences unit leaders, not from other sources.
  • Each unit may submit no more than one nomination in each category per year.
  • The nominee’s career and accomplishments should be truly outstanding.
  • Nominee must be an alumnus of the College of Agricultural Sciences or its joint programs.
  • Anyone currently holding or running for an elected public office is not eligible.
  • Nominations not selected for an award will be kept active for three (3) years, but the author of the nomination should assure that the content remains accurate and up-to-date.
  • Applications submitted for OSU Alumni Association awards that are not selected for University-wide recognition may be submitted without change for these College-level awards.
  • Nominations shall be submitted in electronic form and are due May 15 to Lonnie.morris@oregonstate.edu.

Nomination process

  • Nomination letter from unit leader limited to two pages, describing clearly the nominee’s post-OSU accomplishments, measures of success, and examples of his or her impact on the industry or profession.
  • A résumé, curriculum vitae or other documentation must be attached.

Award selection committee

I am pleased to announce that we are seeking nominations for the College of Agricultural Sciences Distinguished Alumni Award for which there are three categories: Legacy, Leader and Luminary.  This award is to acknowledge the accomplishments of outstanding alumni of the College of Agricultural Sciences.


Detailed information for the nomination process is attached.  Nomination is due by May 15. Selection will be made and the recipients notified shortly thereafter. Please do not tell the nominees of your nomination until the outcome is announced.  Please forward your nomination to Lonnie Morris.


Awards will be presented during the 2012 Awards Luncheon scheduled for Friday, October 19 during Oregon State University’s homecoming weekend. If you have nominated an alumnus for an OSU Alumni award of any sort, please forward a copy of that nomination to the Deans’ office for consideration in this competition.


2011 recipients – Bill Ahlem, nominated by  Jim Males, , Howard Horton, nominated by Dan Edge, Judy Jernstedt nominated by Lynda Ciuffetti, Daren Coppock, nominated by Susan Capalbo, Elizabeth Howard, nominated by Susan Capalbo, Alexander Barth, nominated by Tom Shellhammer.


2010 recipients – Dr. Hiram Larew, nominated by Lynda Ciuffetto, Dr. James McKim, nominated by Craig Marcus, Dr. Scott Campbell, nominated by Jim Males and Jason Tosch, nominated by Anita Azarenko..


2009 recipients – Dr. Joe Chapman, nominated by Dan Edge, Dr. Gary Perdew, nominated by Craig Marcus and Bob McGorrin, Ken Bailey, nominated by Peter Shearer and Anita Azarenko and Colby Marshall, nominated by Susan Capalbo.

2008 recipients – Dr. Robert Ziegler, nominated by Russ Karow and Lynda Ciuffetti and Dr. Lawrence O. Copeland, nominated by Russ Karow.

2007 recipients  – Dr. Stephen Ford, nominated by Jim Males and John Savage, nominated by Bruce Weber.

2006 recipient – Dr. Noelle Cockett, nominated by Jim Males.


The College of Agricultural Sciences Deans’ Group will name the selection committee. The committee will review nominations and recommend the awardees to the Deans’ Group.

Presentation of awards

Awards are presented at the College of Agricultural Sciences Awards Luncheon Friday of Homecoming weekend.


  • May 15             Nominations are due in the College of Agricultural Sciences Dean’s office
  • June 15             Selection of awardees
  • June 22             Awardee and a guest invited to attend the Awards Luncheon
  • October 19      Awards presented at the Awards Luncheon

Nominations are due May 15

Please send via e-mail to Lonnie.Morris@oregonstate.edu


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