Hello All

This is a call for nominations.

Please see the opportunity for partial travel support for a graduate student to attend a meeting on water sustainability. NABC is primarily a symposium style meeting which brings in very good speakers. It is also a good networking environment. Many of the major land grants participate. Our practice is for the College and unit to split the cost beyond the NABC support.  We only send one student.

Please send me the name, undergraduate institution I(with GPA), and OSU GPA, and topic of graduate research of anyone you wish to nominate.  The AD Group will evaluate nominations and select a participant.

Please ask your faculty to consider this.



Larry Curtis
Associate Dean
College of Agricultural Sciences
Oregon State University
138 Strand Agriculture Hall
Corvallis, OR 97331
Phone: 541.737.1764
Fax: 541.737.3178

Please make graduate students at your institution aware of this year’s Student Voice travel stipend to attend NABC 24 in Fayetteville, Arkansas.
NABC provides up to $750 to one graduate student from each member institution in addition to free meeting registration.

Details and application form are available at http://nabc.cals.cornell.edu/studentvoice/index.cfm

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