
As many of you know, I am stepping down from my position as Director of the Environmental Sciences Undergraduate Program in June of this year.  I have greatly enjoyed my time working with the program, but it is time for me to do other things, and for the program to be led by someone with new visions.
I am eager to help recruit someone great to take these reins!

Please disseminate widely the attached position description/job announcement!  The position is open to tenure-track or tenured faculty members from any unit at OSU.

I am happy to talk with anyone who thinks that they might be interested in the position — to answer questions, share my experiences with the program, and so on.  The posting, which is number 0008679, should be accessible via the OSU jobs site by tomorrow, and it will be listed in tomorrow’s edition of OSU Today.

Thank you for your help in getting the word out!


Pat Muir

Patricia S. Muir
Professor, Botany and Plant Pathology
Director, Environmental Sciences Undergraduate Program Oregon State University Corvallis, OR  97331-2902
(541) 737-1745

ESUP Director Position Announcement


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