Herbert F. Frolander Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award

Deadline for Nominations – April 9, 2012

The Graduate School invites nominations for the annual Herbert F. Frolander Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant.  The Graduate School coordinates the nomination and selection process for this annual award, which is named in honor of Dr. Herbert F. Frolander, retired professor of the former College of Oceanography.  Funds for the award are provided by the Graduate School.

The intent of this award is to recognize an outstanding teaching assistant at Oregon State University.  Last year the award was presented to Kaitlin Bonner, a doctoral student and graduate teaching assistant in the Department of Zoology.

The recipient of this year’s award will receive an engraved plaque and a cash award of $1,000 (subject to tax withholding). In addition, the recipient will have his/her name added to the perpetual plaque, which bears the names of all previous recipients of the Frolander award. This plaque is located in Valley Library.   Nomination deadline for the Frolander Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant award is April 9, 2012.

More information is available at this link:  http://oregonstate.edu/dept/grad_school/frolander.php


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