The College of Agricultural Sciences is pleased to announce that we are seeking nominations for the Agriculture Hall of Fame award.  This award is the highest honor the College of Agricultural Sciences bestows to its friends and alumni.  It recognizes men and women who have had an enduring influence on the welfare of Oregon’s agriculture, natural resources, and related industries and communities.  The nominees need not be alumni of the college.

The Agriculture Hall of Fame award includes a plaque and the name of the awardee being placed on the perpetual Agriculture Hall of Fame board displayed in the LaSells Stewart Center. The Agriculture Hall of Fame award for 2012 will be presented on October 19 in conjunction with Homecoming Weekend.

Attached is the nomination criteria for this award along with a list of previous recipients.

Please send the award nomination electronically to Lonnie Morris by COB on May 4, 2012.

Award Criteria

Ag Hall of Fame Winners

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