I would like to invite you to participate in discussions about equity, inclusion, and diversity at Oregon State University. As President Ray mentions in his message below, I am working with a self-study team to create a vision and goals for the university community and would like to hear your input and ideas. Learn more about our efforts at http://oregonstate.edu/oei/selfstudy

Please join me in creating the desired vision of OSU as an equitable, inclusive, and diverse community:

Employee Forum

Friday, March 2nd


101 Furman Hall

Refreshments will be provided

If you are unable to attend in person, please watch for details about a virtual forum where you can participate in real time, or share your comments now at our online survey: https://surveys.bus.oregonstate.edu/main.aspx?SurveyID=4837

Thank you for your time. It is important that your voice be heard and included!


Angelo Gomez

Interim Executive Director of Equity and Inclusion

Oregon State University

526 Kerr Administration Building

Corvallis, Oregon 97331-2139

(541) 737-0869



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