OSU Community Members,

As a part of OSU’s commitment to supporting students and employees in pursuing happy, balanced and fulfilling lives, OSU Childcare and Family Resources along with University Events will be coordinating Bring Your Kid to Campus Day on Friday April 27, 2012. This event is a way to celebrate family, the importance of education and highlight the myriad of family-friendly activities on campus.

Friday, April 27, 2012, is an early release day for the Corvallis School District, and coincides with the national Bring Your Sons and Daughters to Work Day (Thursday April 26th). We are asking for campus-wide collaboration to make this day a huge success. Please take a moment to share this information throughout your colleges and departments.  We encourage departments to have discussions ahead of time with employees and students, so that campus classrooms, work spaces and common areas can be inclusive and family-friendly on April 27th.

In March, Childcare and Family Resources will start soliciting for campus-wide participation in the form of family-friendly activities and tours.  At the beginning of April another announcement will be sent with specific registration information that includes a list of family-friendly activities that will be available on campus that day. For more information on this event, please see attached document.  If your department is interested in having a family-friendly activity listed in the schedule of events for the day, please contact Childcare and Family Resources at familyresources@oregonstate.edu or 541-737-4906.  Any questions should be directed there as well.

Steve Clark

Vice President

University Relations and Marketing


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