Greetings Colleagues,

I am pleased to announce that the Center for Teaching and Learning is seeking individual professional faculty members or small teams of professional faculty members (2-3 people) from across campus to participate in our spring term Professional Faculty Learning Community (PFLC). This learning community will focus on implementing the well-known and widely adopted Backwards Design Model proposed by Wiggins and McTighe (2005). In doing so, members will make progress toward: (1) developing or refining student learning outcomes, (2) identifying and developing appropriate ways to measure student learning, and (3) creating or redesigning programs or services that support learning and assessment. Additional important information about the PFLC and its curriculum is in the attached document.

If you have an interest in developing learning outcomes for your program or unit or revising those that already exist, developing an assessment plan, and rethinking your current practices I hope you will consider participating in this working community of colleagues.

The PFLC will accommodate approximately 12-15 professional faculty colleagues from across campus. Each learner will actively participate in four three-hour “classes” during fall term for a total of 12 hours (see dates and times below):

Class #1: Wednesday, April 11, 10:00am-1:00pm (lunch included all days)
Class #2: Wednesday, April 25, 10:00am-1:00pm
Class #3: Wednesday, May 9, 10:00am-1:00pm
Class #4: Wednesday, May 23, 10:00am-1:00pm

If you are interested in participating in the spring Professional Faculty Learning Community and you are able to attend all of the dates above, please complete the attached brief application and send to me directly via email or campus mail. Applications will be accepted until the learning community is full.

We’re excited to get this offering underway!
Jessica White, Ph.D.
Assistant Director for Co-Curricular Learning
Center for Teaching and Learning
139 Waldo Hall
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR 97331
ph: 541.737.8576
fax: 541.737.8971


PFLC Spring 2012 Description

PFLC Spring 2012 Application


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