Hi all,

It has come to my attention that faculty out in the departments are unaware the business center staff can assist with budget development and preparation for grant proposals.  After discussion with Mark Johnson, we have asked Penny Pinard, the ASBC Finance Coordinator whom many of you met at our recent budget meetings, to be the main contact for your PIs.  If any of the PIs need any assistance with budget development, please have them contact Penny at penny.pinard@oregonstate.edu or at extension 7-1220.

Let Penny, Mark, or I know if you have any questions or concerns.





Cindy Alexis | Finance & Accounting Manager
Arts & Sciences Business Center | Oregon State University

2042 Cordley Hall, Corvallis, OR  97331-2911

Phone: 541.737.0903 | Fax:  541.737.2090 | Cindy.Alexis@oregonstate.edu


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