The Ben and Elaine Whiteley Endowment for Materials Research, established in 2007, provides support for materials research in the College of Science. In particular, it provides fellowship support for students to work full time during the Summer in a research laboratory, working on materials research related topics.

Application procedure

Students submit an application to the chair of the chemistry or physics department by March 15. The chairs of the chemistry and physics departments will select one or two recipients and announce the decision before March 31. Students should submit the following material:

• Personal statement: short statement of advocacy why you should be awarded a fellowship

• Curriculum Vitae

• Research proposal: short description of research plans for Summer

• Letter of support from adviser

• Copy of transcript

Previous recipients

Year       Recipient             Adviser  Work area

2011      Whitney Shepherd            Oksana Ostroverkhova    Organic semiconductors

2011      Adeniyi Adenuga               Vince Remcho    Carbon nanotubes

2010      Jason Francis      Janet Tate           Electronic materials

2010      Tosapol Maluangnont     Mike Lerner        Graphite chemistry



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