You may have heard information about Oregon State University’s efforts to address sexual harassment, including unwanted sexual contact and/or relationship violence. This message is intended to provide information to help you understand your responsibility to recognize and appropriately respond to such conduct. It can be difficult for anyone who experiences sexual harassment or sexual violence to make a disclosure. For this reason, it is important that you believe survivors, listen without judgment, and offer information about rights and resources. For additional information about your responsibilities, please see the attached guidance for responding to disclosures.

As an employee, you also have the right to access a range of support and reporting options. These options include confidential support, counseling, and advocacy, as well as opportunities to seek institutional and legal remedies.

OSU has a responsibility to take reasonable steps to eliminate sexual harassment and sexual violence, prevent their recurrence, and to address their effects. Such efforts are informed by internal policies as well as external regulations. In defining and implementing our policies and practices, OSU seeks to preserve survivors’ autonomy and authority over their process; however, there may be some rare instances when the university may be obligated to pursue a more formal response. If you or someone you know would like to speak with a confidential resource, please access one of the following support, counseling, and advocacy resources:


Center Against Rape and Domestic Violence (CARDV)

Phone: 541-754-0110


Hours: 24-hours

CARDV provides 24-7 confidential crisis response, hospital and legal advocacy, hotline support, and support groups.


Sexual Assault Support Services (SASS)

Phone: 541-737-7604

Location: 500 Snell


Hours: 8am-5pm, Monday-Friday (academic year); 9am-4pm, Monday-Friday (summer)

SASS provides confidential support, crisis intervention, and/or counseling for any OSU student who has experienced unwanted sexual contact or relationship violence (students only).  SASS also provides confidential consultation for employees who have received a report of sexual harassment or sexual violence.

If you or someone you know would like to make a report*, please contact one of the following resources:


Office of Equity and Inclusion (OEI)

Phone: 541-737-3556

Location: 526 Kerr Administration Building


Hours: 8am-5pm, Monday-Friday

The OEI accepts inquiries, formal, and informal reports of sexual harassment and sexual violence.  In addition to handling grievances, the staff offers consultation and advice on what procedure is likely to have the most positive outcome.


Oregon State Police (OSP)

Phone: 541-737-3010 (non-emergency); 541-737-7000 (emergency)

Location: 200 Cascade Hall


The Department of Public Safety and OSP respond to safety concerns and to violations of Oregon law, which may lead to criminal proceedings.


Student Conduct & Community Standards (SCCS)

Phone: 541-737-3656

Location: B058 Kerr Administration Building


Hours: 8am-5pm, Monday-Friday

SCCS responds to violations of the student conduct code by an internal university disciplinary process when the alleged perpetrator is a student (separate from a civil or criminal hearing).  The office also administers no contact orders between students.


Anonymous reporting

Students, staff, and faculty may submit an electronic anonymous report, or may print the report and return it by campus mail to the address printed on the form.

If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me,


Angelo Gomez

Title IX Coordinator

Interim Executive Director of Equity and Inclusion

Oregon State University

526 Kerr Administration Building

Corvallis, Oregon 97331-2139

(541) 737-0869


*Sexual Assault/Harassment Amnesty Clause

The university will not pursue any conduct violation against a survivor for substance use, including alcohol, at the time of sexual assault/harassment if the sexual assault/harassment is reported to Student Conduct and Community Standards or the Office of Equity and Inclusion.


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