Oregon Academy of Science
2012 Annual Meeting on Saturday, February 25th, in Portland Oregon

The annual award nomination deadlines have been extended to February 1st.

Abstracts (poster or oral sessions) may be submitted through February 4th.
Submission and registration forms are attached and are available at the Oregon Academy of Science website, http://www.oas.pdx.edu/ .

I would like to extend a special welcome to our graduate and undergraduate student members to present their research in one of the many forums available at this year’s meeting.
Student annual membership and meeting registration, including breakfast and lunch, is still just $20.00.

Best wishes for a peaceful new year,
Dieterich Steinmetz, M.D.

President, Oregon Academy of Science
Division Dean, Science and Engineering,
Portland Community College, Sylvania Campus, Portland, Oregon

The Oregon Academy of science promotes scientific research and education in Oregon. Divisions of the Academy represent all areas of the natural sciences and social sciences. The Academy encourages participation by research and applied scientists and educators from all fields.


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