As you know, the Research Office recently implemented a new web-based solution for proposal preparation and routing, Cayuse 424, that seeks to replace the paper-based transmittal form with an electronic process.  Your new faculty colleagues have had an introduction to the system through both the College of Science New Faculty Mentoring Luncheon and the Research Office New Faculty Orientation.  They also are being provided with two special training opportunities (for new faculty only, registration required) through the RO on Nov. 29 and 30.

We have arranged for additional Cayuse 424 training opportunities for all College of Science faculty and staff who engage in grant writing and submission activities as well.  These will take place on Wednesday 14 December from 9-10:30am, and Friday 20 January from 9-10:30am (early in the Winter term).  The location for these sessions will be MU 211.  If demand dictates, we will schedule an additional training session in mid-February.

Please forward this message to your colleagues and encourage them to plan to attend a session.  More details and location confirmation will follow in a separate e-mail.

Many thanks to Pat Hawk, Lin Reilly and their colleagues for making this opportunity available to us.


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