John Buzzard, acting director of Professional and Continuing Education (PACE), joins Vice Provost Scott Reed this month to talk about how PACE is dramatically altering the types of deliverables it offers. The changes are based on a recently completed benchmark study and a re-examination of PACE processes and outreach.

Scott would like to know about the ways you personally like to learn (is it by reading, listening to podcasts, hands-on activities, or some other way?). Comment below.

15 thoughts on “PACE to offer more learning objects

  1. Sounds interesting! Can you tell us more about the results of the benchmark study? (I’m an equal opportunity learner—through blogs, podcasts, and jumping in with reckless abandon.)

  2. Great to hear that you’ll have greater variety of “learning objects” to work with. But…the sound on this video was very faint and muddy – I could barely understand John. Turn up the mic next time!

  3. These are exciting times for the Division! PACE provides the structure and expertise necessary to create that program that you have been thinking about for years!!!

  4. I’ve been with PACE throughout its iterations since 2011 and they’ve been outstanding collaborators for me! Excited to see how we can expand upon our relationship through your new learning objects and benchmark process!

    I’m a podcast junky but I learn best by listening and observing, although I love to read and find little time these days to crack open a book.

  5. I love podcasts, audio books, real books, videos/tutorials, and always application & hands-on learning. I’m also excited about the variety of opportunities that O & E can utilize by partnering with PACE!

  6. I learn best face-to-face and hands-on (experiential), and if I’m reading, I comprehend best what I read in print. I also learn from listening to others’ life stories (face-to-face).

  7. While I enjoy reading to learn, I’m finding that podcasts and audiobooks are easier to fit with my busy schedule. If I’m learning something hands on, I often turn to video tutorials to get up to speed more quickly. Great to have PACE back in the Division!

  8. I love podcasts, particularly interviews with people sharing their experience about a topic.
    Glad to hear that PACE is expanding their offerings – who do we talk to about “how-to” videos?

    • Hi Victoria, you can contact me and I can put you in contact with a couple of different people, depending on what you want you want to do.

  9. Video, video, video. Like, I learn a lot from these 1st Monday videos, and I hope they continue after Scott retires. My interest is peaked by those time-lapse recipe videos on Facebook. Of course, I still have to read the recipe. Love tutorial videos to documentaries.

  10. I learn in a variety of ways, reading, videos, podcasts, blog posts, hands on workshops, experiential learning, online modules, and the best – learn by teaching!

  11. Wow-love the responses and myriad ways folks like to learn. For me, I seem to learn-and be inspired-by listening to peoples’ stories. It is best in a face-to-face environment because it builds relationships, but I’m getting used to listening to audiobooks while on the move-while driving, walking or exercising.

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