Happy New Year! This is a time of reflection and new beginnings.

Scott Reed and Lindsey Shirley reveal the foundation of outreach and engagement and talk about the year ahead, including accessing faculty, staff and community knowledge in a variety of channels. Innovation has been a prominent theme throughout the division for the past few years. Scott and Lindsey explore possible themes for 2019. Join them by commenting below with the theme you think represents the year ahead for Outreach and Engagement and Extension.

Wishing you a Happy New Year with the hope that you will have many blessings, joy, and inspiration in the year to come.

11 thoughts on “Welcome to 2019!

  1. 2019 is a year of great opportunity! I concur with the exciting potential of PACE and the Outdoor Economy in addition to all the amazing existing Extension programs. We will continue to successfully evolve and adapt to the ever changing economic and demographic landscape.

  2. A couple of the themes I would like to focus on this year is community-responsiveness and professional development. I’d like to see O&E provide professional development for non-profit organizations working on similar problems as Extension, thereby increasing the impact across Oregon as we partner with others to solve the big problems.

  3. Happy New Year! Great message to start the year off. It’s not new…but I am always encouraged to hear people continue to discuss the 21st Century Land Grant role as you did. That is a concept that we all need to continue to refine and encourage the rest of the University to understand.

  4. All of the ideas discussed make me think of “connection” as a theme (e.g., to communities, with partners, within the university, with other universities and organizations, with each other).

  5. In a word, “Reclaim”. In our highly complex society it is more important than ever to reclaim the skills that enabled people to be much more self-sufficient in the past than they are now. Through WWI & II, the Great Depression and many lesser but similar lean economic times, people cultivated home and consumer skills that seem quaint now but, in fact, saved their bacon, literally and figuratively. This is needed again and the land-grant colleges need to go back to the Morrill Act original version of the Extension service to meet that mission. The financial loses due to the lack of low-income consumer protection education are staggering now and cause much homelessness.
    Society may change but human needs remain the same.

  6. Relationships. I look forward to a new year and making relationships with volunteers, stakeholders and peers more effective. I believe this will help us to reach some of the above “words” — it will enable us to be more connected, more responsive and open to creative thinking.

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