First Monday Update with Scott Reed September 2016

The first Monday – actually Tuesday – video features Scott talking about innovation. How do you bring innovation into your work? And what might need to drop off your plate in order to deliver innovative solutions to the people of Oregon? Share your comments and you’ll be entered into a drawing for a book from one of Scott’s favorite authors mentioned in the video.

9 thoughts on “Outreach and engagement innovation

  1. To me, bringing innovation in goes hand in hand with inviting and seeking new ideas and perspectives. Personally, I can commit to this by reserving time in my week to read/watch (think magazines, books, YouTube, blogs, etc.) ideas from industry or other disciplines. At our weekly unit standup meetings, everyone is invited to share “something interesting you’ve read or seen lately.” Devoting time to this form of professional development likely requires a disciplined effort to minimize other distractions (e.g., shut off email for an hour) or purposefully identify a nonessential task or habit that gets in the way of this focused time. That’s not easy, but committing to it publicly via this blog comment is motivating!

  2. Thank you Jennifer. I agree that one must be intentional about developing a new skill, perspective or habit. And the payoffs are enormous. As Marcel Proust, a noted French author observed, “The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.”

  3. I think it’s important to be open to trying new methods. Sometimes it can be scary to take a program that works and has been successful and tweak it for either a new audience or new delivery. I’ve been using existing workshop materials and with some adjustments presenting the new material in a monthly web session available around the country. Working with this partner has advantages as they have marketing figured out. Feedback has been great, and most importantly people are taking action!! This adjustment does take time and energy but if it works, we have new life to the program. Can’t say I am giving anything up in order to innovate though. Maybe just being more efficient with my time?

  4. Our Vision states “co-creation of innovation.” I think this is important. Brainstorming sessions with colleagues and stakeholders, retreats, conferences, even bumping into each other helps foster innovation. Though it can happen in the quiet privacy of one’s office, I think it helps immensely to first have a climate that supports innovation and collaboration. As far as what drops off the plate? I like evaluation of products and processes to determine what is least valuable.

  5. I have been a student of disruptive innovation for several years. And, I have attempted to apply the principles to several projects during that time. Each time I fall short of launching the project. I could benefit from a small group of OSU Extension colleagues who would like to meet occasionally, talk and support one another’s projects, as collaborations are developed, plans evolve, and challenges are encountered. I would host an initial meeting of such a group, if there are 1 or more colleagues who are interested. MKLesmeister

    • Hi Marilyn,
      I thought you might be interested in our iTeam that I mention in a comment below on Scott’s September blog. If you are interested in the iTeam and what we do, and how you might join us, drop me a line. The iTeam is actually meeting tomorrow (Oct 4th) in Kerr 400 at 3pm. –Jeff

  6. Tammy, Karen and Marilyn remind us that relationships matter when it comes to generating ideas and gaining support for change–Engagement! Thanks to Marilyn for offering to convene a group. I’m in!

  7. I think of being innovative as more of a work style than something that I ‘do’. I integrate seeking out new perspectives as part of my workflow and part of my practice of Extension. I’m also really lucky to work with a great team that is open to trying new programs & delivery methods. We’re constantly evaluating and tweaking!

  8. I want to remind all that we do have an Innovation Team (iTeam) that provides a liaison to eXtension, but even more importantly, is dedicated to working within our organization to influence innovation , change, and working differently. Current team members include: Jeff Hino (chair), Linda Brewer, Patrick Proden, Siew Sun Wong, Victoria Villegas, Alan Dennis, Brooke Edmunds, and Sandy Reichhuber. Watch for us at the upcoming Extension Annual Conference. Feel free to contact me or any of the iTeam members if you are interested in iTeam activities, or wish to join us in this effort.

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