First Monday Video, April 2016 —

In 2007, the OSU Extension Service and Educational Outreach, which includes Ecampus, PACE and EESC, joined forces and created the Division of University Outreach and Engagement. Provost Sabah Randhawa wanted to know what new initiatives are taking place as a result of the reorganization. After compiling a survey of 36 county Extension offices, Vice Provost Scott Reed reports on new initiatives in April’s First Monday Video. Hint: Extension offices are proctoring online exams, have established new community partnerships and programs, and are directing thousands of inquiring parents and students to OSU resources, filling the pipeline for new OSU Beavers. There’s more, too, but you’ll have to watch the video


Tell Scott what Extension innovations you see in the “Leave a Reply” section below. He looks forward to reading your comments.



3 thoughts on “Not Your Grandparents’ Extension Service

  1. Scott,
    Other innovations include getting into “app” world to provide publications and other tools that can be downloaded to an individual’s phone of tablet device.


  2. The “Youth Voices in Governance: Experiencing Citizenship” state 4-H conference nearly doubled in size in 2016, with a collaboration between Extension programs (a) the 4-H Know Your Government program and Mario Magana’s outreach program, (b) Oregon Leadership Institute. Currently Mario and I are working toward additional collaboration with the YMCA ‘government’ program for greater reach to Oregon youth and effective use of resources. MKLesmeister

  3. Thanks to Fitz and Marilyn for their posts. Both speak to the value of expanding audiences-one with technology and one through partnerships. Keep those innovations coming!

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