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Check out the first digital badge, released last week by our Professional and Continuing Education unit. This one is for people who complete the Master Gardener Online course. More to come from the PACE team in this area!







And a question …

If you had a day in a car with Provost Randhawa, what questions would you have for him? Please share your comments below.

10 thoughts on “First Monday Update #5

  1. Scott
    Thanks for the update. It was brief and informational. I like the links below the video blog that we could go to for more information.

  2. Hi Scott, The Master Gardener program is an OSU Extension program. Why has Extension been knocked off the badge for PACE’s online course? Thanks, -Ariel

  3. Jay,
    We’ll work on improving that image.

    This is a good question. I’m not sure how much you know about digital badges, but on one level, they are very small graphical objects that do not allow the inclusion of very much in the way of copy or image selection. The current design we’re using was crafted by several graphic designers and was reviewed by University Marketing to ensure it met IMC guidelines. The Master Gardener program obviously has programmatic connection to OSU, Extension, the Department of Horticulture, the College of Agricultural Sciences, PACE and other individuals, locations and groups. The Master Gardener digital badge—as it is currently designed–simply references Oregon State University and the program, Master Gardener. Additionally, there is a small visual element that is meant to support the program theme or topic.

    Thankfully, digital badges allow a user to click on the graphical object (the digital badge) and review more detailed information about the student’s academic achievement. This is where I think our group can be more attentive to unpacking some of the significant information about a course or workshop without overwhelming the badge itself or disorienting the user with brand confusion. I’ll work with out team this week to review that information and the introductory emails we send out prior to students claiming a badge to see if we can improve on that language. I’m sure we can and I appreciate your reminder that Extension should be held front and center in those components of the badge that allow reference to partnering organizations.

    Since digital badging is still relatively immature in terms of its supporting technical ecosystem and end-user adoption, we expect that we’ll see our students both excited and confused with the opportunity to use these online micro-credentials. We are also launching the digital badging initiative in phases so we can learn from each phase and make needed modifications. The MG launch was the first phase and we have already made some small changes to the workflow for successive phases.

    Perhaps an important item to note: I believe OSU may be the first university in Oregon and perhaps the PNW to issue digital badges comprehensively. While developing the infrastructure to support this initiative, we’ve been working closely with state-level entities as well as the Oregon Badge Alliance to align OSU’s efforts with emerging practices that elevate our students’ privacy and ensure the digital badges are portable and functional. I think this reflects well on OSU’s commitment to meeting the needs of our ever-growing continuing education and hobbyist audience who is often looking for new ways to share their affiliation with OSU. How exciting to know that OSU is forging new ground by equipping our students to help tell the story of their positive experience with OSU services via their social media channels.

  4. Some great events going on. Interesting discussion regarding the new digital badging – I like the orange shield look.

    Per Scott’s question in text, if I had Sabah’s ear for a day I would be curious to get his institution-wide perspective of what is currently happening, where we are going, and what each department needs to prioritize and focus on.

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