Scott Reed, Vice Provost, University Outreach and Engagement
Scott Reed, Vice Provost, University Outreach and Engagement

On Friday we hosted the first O&E Quarterly Conversation. This new effort is in response to the request for more regular opportunities to hear from division leadership as well as to discuss timely topics. We had a great turnout, both in person and online, with some excellent questions. We started with a few unit updates from Extension, Extended Campus and PACE, I shared about the division’s new Leadership Development Program for Executives and then the majority of the time was spent on Q&A.

If you weren’t able to join us, you can view the recording. If you have additional questions or comments, this is a great place to continue the conversation.

The next O&E Quarterly Conversation will take place this summer. Watch for a calendar invitation for that soon.

One thought on “O&E Quarterly Conversation

  1. Thanks for being open to hosting an O & E Quarterly Conversation. I enjoyed listening to the presentations, hearing the responses to questions and participating in the discussions. Very informative.

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